“The body has a wonderful intelligence. There is a wisdom in your physical bodily presence that is luminous and profound. . The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.”

- John O’Donohue

Support the rhythm and overall wellness of your menstrual cycle

Release tension held in the respiratory and pelvic diaphragm

Calm your nervous system through the vagus nerve

Each treatment involves a series of massage, alignment and stretching techniques which release areas of restriction or patterns of chronic tension within the abdomen and pelvis. As we release diaphragmatic tension, we are able to breath more deeply. This breath brings vitality to our whole body, allowing tension to melt away and our body’s innate state of balance to return.

The techniques are helpful for digestive troubles, painful periods, fertility support, and reducing chronic abdominal and pelvic pain, Each treatment works to encourage good circulation, relaxing the nervous system, and foster a since of calmness and connection to the deepest parts of us. Tending our emotional core is a huge part of this work.

$180 : Initial appointments

  • Typically 2 hours in length

  • .Includes a review of your health history and current health care needs.

  • Overview of the techniques as they relate to your pelvic and abdominal anatomy (using my pelvic mode).

  • Instruction in a self care massage for you to do at home.

  • Care plan and recommendations to support your wellness journey.

$120 : Follow up treatments

Let’s Have a chat

Consultations are an important part of our care. We offer all potential clients a free consultation to share a little about our care, help us understand how to best serve you, and answer any questions you may have.