abdominal therapy

The threads of abdominal therapy are found, in one form or another, throughout every culture. Those threads lie in the heart and hands of the midwives and traditional healers who have cared for their communities for generations.

Dr. Rosita Arvigo, picked up these threads in Central America. She wove them together with her understanding as a Napropathic Doctor into what is now known as Abdominal Therapy (formally known as The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy).

The work continues to evolve to reflect new insights, and still, the essence remains the same.

History and lineage

Rosita Arvigo is a Doctor of Napropathy, an herbalist, and an author.  In the 1980’s she created a home in Belize and forged loving connections with celebrated traditional healers most notable Don Elijio Panti and Miss Hortense Robinson, who were her dear friends and mentors. They taught her some of the techniques upon which Abdominal Therapy was founded. She detailed this journey in her book, Sastun: My Apprenticeship with a Maya Healer

Rosita began sharing the knowledge she learned with in conferences and workshops around North America. Her work resonated deeply, and with the support of her students a formal and comprehensive Abdominal Therapy training program was created.

Cultural acknowledgment

“We are profoundly grateful to our teachers, and their teachers before them. They defy categorization, because Belize is truly a melting pot of peoples from various nations and cultures. We also recognize much of this shared wisdom came from dream visions, intuition and Spirit.  

We acknowledge that many of our clients’ successes are due directly to the wisdom of people who are rarely  honored by society for their contributions. We have all learned from many teachers from many places and cultures. However, one teacher binds us as a group: Dr. Rosita Arvigo. 

Dr. Arvigo’s teachings are founded upon many years and the knowledge of multiple healers, cultures, and lands. She, and we, recognize these most influential Belizean teachers – Don Elijio Panti, Miss Hortense Robinson, Miss Juana Xix and Mexican midwife Dona Maria Torres.

We promise to continue making efforts of reparation and restoration to the Central American people from whom our good work has sprung.”

-The Abdominal Therapy Collective